Myths, Facts and FAQ Regarding Google AdSense - Get Your Google Adsense Approved Fast

Myths, Facts and FAQ Regarding Google AdSense - Get Your Google Adsense Approved Fast
Google AdSense CAN not register with this template?

That's one of the questions most often asked EXPERTLHEEMAN Blogger, about the theme / themes in the Template Gallery EXPERTLHEEMAN.

Answer EXPERTLHEEMAN: Google AdSense does not require a specific template should be used.

ALL theme blogger does not affect GA. Thus, any blog templates can be registered to AdSense. The template determines whether or not accepted so the publisher or Google ad publisher is one myth or is not true about Google AdSense. Blogger Default Template? There is a myth, should use the default template blogger.

I wonder where it came from this opinion. None of the statements in the AdSense Help stating so. That uses blogger default template facilitates received GA, merely assumptions or estimates. AdSense Ready Templates There is also the myth, the template should be light, simple, so many designer templates that create a simple blog theme really even tend to be ugly saking simple one.

Many themes blog claimed as "AdSense Ready Blogger Template", whereas all the templates are ready to install the Google ads. She says templates and such and it could increase the CPC (Cost per Click) or CPC (Cost per Click) and CTR (Click Through Rate) or CTR (Click Through Rate).

Everything was just a myth.

Too simple template can even keep the odds of getting "local advertising", which other bloggers who want to advertise on your blog.

Blog Must Beyond 6 Months It is also a myth

No Adsense TOS that says so. In fact, six months is the usual normal time needed a blog to bring in traffic.

However, if your blog contains quality content - unique, original, there are not enough spare a blog then your blog will be indexed faster Google and bring in visitors.

Need Traffic High There is no provision on how many visitors must possess in order to be accepted Google AdSense.

Indeed, there are estimates based on experience, the number of visitors at least 250 visitors per day, as ever EXPERTLHEEMAN share in Number of Visitors Blog for Adsense.

AdSense does not consider traffic to accept or reject an AdSense blog list.

Consideration is blog content --genuine and adequate. Could mean posting adequate number had enough. Main content.

Traffic then. The term, first content, traffic will follow.

Alexa Rank? It is also a myth. Alexa Rank has no association with AdSense.

It tells you more Adsense myths:

* .you will earn in millions.

You will get millions of AdSense. In fact, bloggers are very difficult to earn millions from a blog or simply rely on AdSense.

* .Blocking Low Price Ads Will Generate More Money.

Blocking advertising low prices will increase revenue. In fact, Google places ads according to the content.

FAQ about Google AdSense

There is also the frequently asked questions (Frequently asked questions, FAQs) about Google AdSense. For this one, you are welcome to take the time to read a complete guide to the official Google AdSense Help.

One of them, the following assertion:

The most important thing for success with AdSense is having a website with great content that delights your users-before you apply to AdSense, check that your site has interesting and original content.
Of course, you need visitors too, or no one else will see your ad, so make sure that people have to know about your site before you place ads there. Interesting and original content is the key received and earn money from Google Adsense. Focus to the content, not the design.
If you are interested in becoming a Google ad publisher, simply use SEO Blog Templates Friendlydan FOCUS to quality content.

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