Guidelines Tips On How to Create An SEO Friendly Blog

Guidelines Tips On How to Create An SEO Friendly Blog

Guidelines Tips On How to Create An SEO Friendly Blog

TIPS ON HOW MAKE BLOGS SEO-FRIENDLY - Creating a seo-friendly blog is the dream of many blogger, because of the seo-friendly blog we will get thousands of blog visitors and especially if we want to make money from our blog then high traffic is one way.
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Creating a seo-friendly blog is not an easy matter, because you must have a seo knowledge that exists from the past until now is never certain knowledge, or always many versions of understanding between one person to another. Not even a few of the bloggers who claim that their seo tricks are the most correct ones.

If I studied seo, then it is really difficult but I try to take the principal or core of any reputable seo master, so in accordance with this blog address "Expert Lheeman" I will try to explain about seo learning with ease and simple but still effective.

Well here are some tips to create a seo friendly blog, please make sure you are ready before you do this tips.
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1# Master the theme of your blog. Why I put this point as number one is that most bloggers who fail is because they can not master the theme of their blog. Indeed at the beginning they can make an amazing article but within a period of three months I am sure they will be confused or run out of material for their blog. To further explore this point please understand how to choose the best blog theme you can develop your blog bias.

2# Make an original article and not copied. This is an important point in creating a seo-friendly blog, why I say like that? As the saying goes " The Lord Of Blog Is its Contents" without us thinking even though everyone might agree that the article could be a solution or provide solutions to people who need it then the article will be in demand in haste. So that quality articles will get many recommendations.
Therefore if you master the theme of your blog then you will not be confused to create an original article and quality of course.
Please learn how to create good and quality articles if you still do not know the criteria.

3# Onpage Optimization Onpage for search engines to recognize your blog Once you have mastered your theme and articles of quality then all you have to do is make it easier for search engines to browse your blog, so your blog is easily recognizable. Because it is useless if your article is qualified but search engines are not familiar with your blog or blogs you are hard to find then your article will be in vain, so you need to do onpage seo optimization. And you should remember this optimization is only done once on your blog. For that please read about On Page SEO Optimization For Your Blog - SEO Tips.

4# Do offpage SEO optimization This is one of the most difficult seo techniques to do, in seo offpage optimization you must be smart socialize, because the core of offpage optimization is to promote your blog, look for backlinks and goo Alexa Rank. In order not to be confused let's just separate and rate blog promotion by looking for backlinks.

Blog Promotion

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Why do we need blog promotion? Of course for our blog to be famous and known to people. Many ways that you can do bias for blog promotion, from blogwalking start to utilize social media for promotion.

Blogwalking, what you need to do is visit other people's blogs that are new or old and socialize with the blog owner, you can comment and ask for a visit back to the core socialize and make friendship with others. Remember!! Comment politely and in accordance with the discussion of the articles you read, and less to install an active link because many blog owners are not happy if we put an active link on their comments.

Utilizing social media, all you have to do is to promote your blog to your social media friends, you can create a fan page and invite your friends to join or try to participate into groups that still have a link to your blog theme.

Expert Lheeman


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