3 Significant Milestones Before Becoming a Full Time Blogger

3 Significant Milestones Before Becoming a Full Time Blogger
3 Significant Milestones Before Becoming a Full Time Blogger

Am I out of work right now and become a full timeblogger?
This question was posed brother Emha some time ago. My answer is not yet. This is because I have not reached the third milestone (milestone) is important that I make reference before becoming a full timeblogger.

Third step it is:

1. Cost of living 2 years

The only difference between employees and non-employees is the monthly salary. As an employee, finance my family (wife and two sons) today supported a monthly salary. Little by little my monthly salary that tube in order to achieve the cost of living for two years.

If I had become a full timeblogger later, then the savings are up or back up ya life if there is a problem with my income from blogs. Thus, my family kitchen smoke could raise me for two years.

2. Free debt

The company I work has a super soft loan program (without interest) to its employees. Two and a half years ago I took the loan to build a house. Watu repayment term is 8.5 years.

I had the rest of the time six years to restore it. However, I seek to accelerate the repayment of the loan, for example in the next two years.

3. Income blogs reach 50% of the monthly salary

Income of my blogging is yet to reach 50% of the monthly salary. Still need to work hard to reach or surpass them. If the income is achieved consistently for at least 6 months, then an important milestone I've been through.

The third milestone in the upper course, different from you who still own (without dependent children and wives). Regardless, if you are an employee and wish to become a full timeblogger, what matters is your consideration before out of work right now?

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