4 Phases of Development For Cycle of a Blog

4 Phases of Development For Cycle of a Blog

4 Phases of Development For Cycle of a Blog

4 Phases or the Development Cycle of a Blog- Have you ever heard the stories of bloggers who poked dozens, hundreds, and thousands of dollars each month from the blogs they manage? Lest one of the reasons you become a blogger because you like them. If yes you are already on the right track.

But whether among you too many are desperate because they do not get dollars? You do not have to give up because a lot of bloggers who like you even they do not give up and the result is that they become successful bloggers.

Did you know that successful people with their own blogs do not take a short time to get what they want? At least each of their blogs requires 4 phases or cycles in its development. Here's what you should know.

Here are 4 phases or the development cycle of a blog after it is created which you should know

1. Phase of Establishment

This phase is the phase needed to create quality content (useful) and the phase in which to set up a blog (Designing the look, look for traffic, blog promotion, etc.). Usually the amount of useful content can reach 40-200 articles. Generally this phase takes about 4-8 months and this phase is a scourge for beginner bloggers because most beginner bloggers who fail in this phase, because of impatient or hastily use his blog to make money.

2. Traffic growth phase

Generally this phase is characterized by increased traffic, comments, RSS customers, and start earning. The focus that should be done in this phase is to keep adding useful content and looking for quality backlinks. Many ways can be done to get quality backlinks one of them by becoming a guest blogger blog famous or your article the backlink by other famous blogs such as www.karlexpert.com. The growth phase of this traffic usually takes a long time of about 7-14 months, and tends to slow growth but will be more consistent.

Tips for this phase:

*. Plan to post 1 guest blogger post every month on famous blogs.

*. Make 1-2 quality articles (Pillars) every 1 week.

3. Phase of Maturity and Monetization

This phase of the blog already has up to thousands of visitors every day or blog traffic has started to stabilize and this is the right phase to start to make blog as a money machine (monetization), just adjust it with the business you are looking for, this phase takes 7-14 month.

4. Maintenance Phase

This is a very pleasant phase or phase that all successful bloggers feel, because they do not need to work as hard as the previous phases. In this phase only perform routine maintenance to still exist, the time required is unlimited.

Now how old is your blog? If your blog does not meet the above phases then it is not time you make money from your blog. The point is to make money from your blog requires a long process we can conclude there is no shortcut, so through those phases with the right action and in accordance with the ongoing phase. So enjoy the phase that you are now living with.

Hopefully the above knowledge can be your motivation to remain consistent in the world of blogging, may be useful and greeting bloggers.

Expert Lheeman


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