Blog Design Tips : Determine Priorities and Evaluation of Results

Blog Design Tips : Determine Priorities and Evaluation of Results

What we want when visitors visit our blog? Its name is the desire of course a lot, right?

These include: read more than one post, click on ads, subscribe to the RSS feed, click on the affiliate link and buy products, purchase our product, bookmark the blog, leave a comment, sending our posts to social sites and bookmarking sites, and so on.

Not surprisingly, the desire to achieve it we usually do this:

*. Placing ads as much as possible so that visitors are clicking

*. Clicking of affiliate links as much as possible with the hopes of many who joined

*. Meet sidebar with links posting

*. installing emoticons

*. Laying the sponsor banners and CPM in many places.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to design a blog to achieve all of these desires.
Instead of getting a satisfactory result, the blog becomes congested (crowded) and may confuse readers.

Then, what is the solution?

In my opinion, the solution is two of the following:

1. Prioritize

Prioritize what you want from your visitors. When you have 10 desire, then prioritize only three things for example:

*. Visitors read more than one article

*. Visitors subscribe to the RSS feed

*. Visitors to click the ad

After that, the design of your blog based on the third priority.

Put aside your other desires.

The key is the less you want from visitors, visitor opportunities to do what you want it bigger.

2. Evaluation of the results

Evaluation of the three priorities with a view among other indicators of the results obtained and the loading time. This evaluation period depends on you, it can be a day, a week, two weeks, and even one month.

If for example the ads displayed burdensome loading time and the result is not satisfactory, you should remove the ad.

May be useful.

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