Sensitive Ways on How To be Making Money From your Personal Blog in Indonesia

Sensitive Ways on How To be Making Money From your Personal Blog in Indonesia
Sensitive Ways on How To be Making Money From your Personal Blog in Indonesia

Doing Drop Shipping

Drop shipping is a business model to sell other people's products. In contrast to the affiliation, the purchaser to buy someone else in you. Next, you send the money to the owner of the product and ask them to send the goods to the buyer's address.

The money that you will gain is the difference between the selling price of the product owner with a sales price that you offer to buyers. For example, product prices from pemilk is Rp 100,000 and you sell it to your blog visitors Rp 150,000, then your profit is Rp 50 thousand.

These products are commonly sold by way of drop shipping is beauty products, children's toys, medicine pregnancy, weight loss drugs, and household appliances.

If you find a drop shipping company that is professional and good products, you will get a lot of money and did not disappoint the buyer of your blog.
Additionally, if you integrate it with Facebook and blackberry messenger, you will have loyal customers for drop shipping your products.

Provide Guidance Private

Guidance private (private coaching) is another method of earning money that you can do on your blog Indonesia. If you do it this way, you have to have a certain expertise to guide your clients. The membership will berbading proportional to the amount of money that you will receive.

As an illustration, I have led a civil servant in Singapore to create a blog in English monetized with Amazon affiliate. For this guidance, the rate I use is USD 2.5 million for eight sessions.

Provide Membership

Membership is a paid membership program in a certain period. Material from this program is not on the blog so that is exclusive to paying members.

The money that you will gain from this program will go in your pocket each month within a specified period (eg 6 months), without having to wait or share commissions (if you do not make an affiliate program).

Unfortunately, if you are a beginner blogger, membership is not a suitable way for you because you have to have extra skills. Generally, the use of this method is for successful bloggers, such as those who make $ 5,000 a month from Google AdSense or affiliate.

Be Speaker Seminar

If you're a blogger authority on a particular topic, you can get invitations as a speaker at seminars related to topics you discuss in your blog. For example, if you are a blogger authority in the field of self-development, you will be invited as a speaker at seminars on personal development.

Honor will receive from this method depends on how technically you are. From my experience as a novice speakers, honor I received was $ 1 million for seminars quality article writing techniques.


If English is an obstacle, you do not hesitate to make the blog Indonesian. There are at least 10 ways that you can use to make money from your blog Indonesian.

However, if you are a beginner, you should focus on trying one way out for maximum results. After that, you continue to try other ways so that more and more of your income sources.

Regardless, how what has been or will you do to make money from your blog Indonesian? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Thanks for Reading : Sensitive Ways on How To be Making Money From your Personal Blog in Indonesia


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