The latest way of Alexa Rank Listing is Free

The latest way of Alexa Rank Listing is Free

The latest way of Alexa Rank Listing is Free

This is the latest way to register alexa rankings for free for blogs or sites, a website admins expect to have a good rank, maybe this is the extent to which the development of blogs. And definitely want also blgo get organic traffic from Google.

How to list in Rank alexa for free

1. Visit page

2. Enter URL and press Continue button

3. Will appear Select a method page please select Method 2 Add an Alexa Verification ID to your homepage, the verification page appears under method 2 which we button and method 2 is for free claim.

4. After select method 2 appears meta code in copy in template do copy me take in template blog and in continue with save template, after that go back to alexa rank site and press button Verify my ID.

5. Please choose how to register through facebook or use email, because there are two options given by alexa rank to register

6. Please fill in all contact info like

Site owner:

After all filled press the save button

Because we do register for free will be quickly accepted, so be patient just the most important friend always post

Note: Please follow all the ways above will be fast can Rank Alexa, and additionally do update the article if it is doing alexa rank registration, attach the toolbar in 2 weeks will be able to rank alexa for blog or website, when writing this article alexa rank my blog This is not there, because this blog is not my initial update article hopefully fast alexa rank for always be patient and always the spirit and enjoy in writing articles
Update April 2017

Claiming of rank alexa is not free anymore.

Expert Lheeman


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