Ways on How to Increase your Google AdSense Earnings and Still Keep it Rising

Ways on How to Increase your Google AdSense Earnings and Still Keep it Rising
Ways on How to Increase your Google AdSense Earnings and Still Keep it Rising

One question often asked by readers of Expertlheeman are - the steps of what to do if income from Google AdSense (GA) are going down. For me, this question is relatively difficult because of the decrease in earnings GA influenced by various factors. Nonetheless, it would not hurt you to try the following five steps.

1. Do not panic

The fall in earnings from GA certainly makes you upset, but the first step in react is not to panic. In other words, take it easy for publishers GA others have experienced as well. Consider it a regular thing.

2. See earnings of the last 90 days

The second step you should do is see your GA revenue trends. You can see it in earnings GA 30 days or 90 days. Personally, I prefer to look at the trend of earnings in the last 90 days.

To determine earnings of the past 90 days, set the date in Range of feature Date located at the top right of your GA account (If you have trouble counting past 90 days, check out our guide on How to Quickly Calculate easily Last 90 Days). As an illustration, one of my niche blogs in Indonesia language.

After that, click the tab Page Views that appear blue line that indicates the number of page views.

As you can see, earnings past 90 days indicates that a decrease in earnings GA aligned with decreased page views. Decline in page views have been clearly closely linked to the decline in the number of visitors.

What if the GA revenue down, but traffic remained or even increased? This can be attributed to lower cost per click (CPC) or the origin of the traffic (eg, India). Both of these factors can be overcome by experimenting change the size, position, or display advertising GA.

3. Check traffic data in Google Analytics

If traffic is the cause, the next step is the view of data traffic in Google Analytics. Pay attention Keywords feature Google Analytics so you can know what keywords are reduced.

In contrast to point 2 above, in the third step, you should compare your keyword data every month in the last 90 days. For example, keywords in December versus November, and November versus October.

4. Publish new posts

The next step is to publish the latest postings. If your blog is a blog manifold niche that only contain less than 10 posts, shutter key words that the CPC values its high (above $ 2). The hope, will boost earnings rise despite rising traffic yet.

If your blog is a blog manifold authority, ignore the CPC. Publish only quality stuff as much as possible. The goal, for postings that take visitors from the key words in length tail (long tail keywords).

5. Add a backlink

The final step is to increase the number of backlinks. You can add a backlink by commenting on other people's blogs (do follow and nofollow) or increase the number of private blog network you have. Another source is the social bookmarking sites and web 2.0 (for example Worpress.com, Blogspot.com, Blog.com, and so on).

The fall in the number of GA can be due to the lower earnings of traffic or other factors (eg CPC down while traffic remained or increased). If traffic is the cause, the five steps I described above worth a try.

Steps especially worth a try if the GA revenue down?

Expert Lheeman


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