What Is WordPress Blog Database ?

What Is WordPress Blog Database ?
What Is WordPress Blog Database ?

I often move from one blog to another hosting hosting. One of the removal process is to download the database from the old hosting and uploading them to a new hosting.

Honestly, I do not pay attention to the WordPress blog database. However, when a friend asked me about what the WordPress database is, I stammered answer.

After researching and reading a variety of references, it turns WordPress blog database consists of 11 tables of data.
Here's a brief explanation of the eleventh table data.

1. wp_commentmeta

This data table hung meta information about the comments that appear on your WordPress blog. This meta information consists of four areas, namely meta_id, comment_id, meta_key, and meta_value. One example is the comment meta information such as status comment is approved, pending, and trash.

2. wp_comments

As the name suggests, this data table associated with the facility comment. It consists of the name of the comment, URL, email, and text commentary.

3. wp_links

Wp_links store information related to the incoming link in the Links feature. The example is:

*. Administration> Links> Add New

*. Administration> Links> Links

4. wp_options

Wp_options associated with the adjustment (setting) of your blog. The data table consists of the General, Writing, Reading, Discussion, Privacy, Permalinks, and Widgets. In addition, this data table is also used to store plug-in settings.

5. wp_postmeta

Wp_postmeta associated with meta information about the posts, pages, and custom post types. One example is the template for creating a post or page.

Some plugins used to store data wp_post meta plugin. An example is the SEO information on SEO plugin like All in One SEO Pack and SEO by Yoast.

6. wp_posts

These data tables related to WordPress blog content.
Consisting of all posts, pages, and revision.

7. wp_terms

WordPress has a taxonomy system that allows you to organize your content. Items that exists in this taxonomy called the terms and kept in wp_terms.

For example, categories and tags posting a taxonomy. The names of the existing categories and tags are terms.

8. wp_term_relationships

This data table serves to manage the relationship type and term posts. In other words, this data table helps WordPress determine post X in the category of Y. For example, postings in the category SEO on Page SEO.

9. wp_term_taxonomy

This data table defining the taxonomy in wp_terms. For example, if you have a WordPress Tutorial term, then this data table comprises data related to taxonomy category.

In short, wp_term_taxonomy help WordPress distinguish whether these terms of categories or tags.

10. wp_usermeta

This data table meta information of Book Store Users in WordPress blog. Users here include administrators, contributors, and so on.

11. wp_users

Users of this table contains information such as username, password, and user e-mail name.

WordPress blog database is complicated because it is associated with the programming language. Nevertheless, knowing the eleventh data table above, I understand what it's little database WordPress blog. How about you?

Info: In the next post I will inform you how to easily optimize your WordPress blog database.

Expert Lheeman


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