Why Bloggers Should Know About Personal Branding in Order to Increase Their Web Traffic

Why Bloggers Should Know About Personal Branding in Order to Increase Their Web Traffic
Why Bloggers Should Know About Personal Branding in Order to Increase Their Web Traffic

This is a guest post from Notordinaryblogger.com Oktorian S. Hakim. If you are interested in being a guest blogger on Expertlheeman, please send us mail @ mrlheeman@gmail.com

It is common knowledge that millions of blogs already in circulation today. Among the millions of blogs, there are some bloggers who steal the show, which is a blogger who apply their personal brand effectively.

If you claim to be a professional blogger (or have your dreams) it is time to understand personal branding.

As a professional blogger then you need to market yourself.
Your target is the consumer always gets the same information in large quantities.

Why is that? Because you are not a professional blogger only. Therefore it is important to be unique and credible so that you steal the attention of many readers.

At least that's the gist of personal branding for a blogger.
That effort to bring yourself to the target market through a bid that differentiate you from the competition.

So how personal branding can help a blogger?

Personal branding make known (or recognized) on what you do in the midst of hectic competition.

If it is so sure of success in the online world is not mere wishful thinking.

So, what makes a personal brandingini important to know?

People who succeed in personal branding at least pay attention to their appearance, how they convey a message that is easily understood, the credibility of the information provided and has its own charm.

Let's discuss.

Note Appearance

Have you ever wondered why a person can get a lot of relationships? They do pay attention. The relation is very significant in the online world.

If you want to succeed with your blog, at least consider the look of your blog. Someone who visit your blog will see as a first impression.

Select Antheme, design, banner ads, colors and others can be the hook of the first visitors of your blog.


If the main content of your blog in the form of writing, it becomes very important. As a professional blogger, of course your message must be clear and easy to understand. Thus the visitor easy to follow information that you provide.

Information credibility

Data support is crucial if it is to talk about credibility of information. The more information that is credible then the closer you are to the target market.

Let's say you are planning to publish a book about making money from blogs, then of course you need to build a community of readers to your blog.

The provision of supporting data on the articles you write will add to the quality of the content of your blog. Consumers will close if there is a quality offer, so make sure the data is supported on information you've provided is adequate.


The uniqueness that distinguishes you with other professional blogger is very important to understand. Thus the reader will understand why they should read your blog instead of other bloggers.

So, what makes your blog unique? Find out that and to convey to visitors to your blog tagline.


Understanding of personal branding blogger will be abbreviating the time needed to build online relationships. Online relationships is the initial capital is very valuable for professional bloggers, especially bloggers who intend to succeed online life.

Oktorian S. Hakim is a part-time blogger and freelance writer notordinaryblogger manager, simple place where he shared blogging tips and information about Internet business in two languages.

Thanks for Reading : Why Bloggers Should Know About Personal Branding in Order to Increase Their Web Traffic


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