Amit Singhal, Indian People Behind The Sophistication of the Google Search Engine

Amit Singhal, Indian People Behind The Sophistication of the Google Search Engine
Amit Singhal, Indian People Behind The Sophistication of the Google Search Engine

Google is a search engine that is most widely used by people all over the world. The main reason people use it is because Google provides relevant search results and quickly.
Relevance and speed generated by the Google algorithm artificial founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Over time, the algorithm is updated or enhanced in order to improve the quality of Google search results. What is surprising is the sophistication of the algorithm created by a team headed by Indians. He is Amit Singhal.

Amit Singhal (Amitabh Kumar Singhal its full name) was born in 1968 in Jhansi, a town in the province of Uttar Pradesh, India. Amit little like Star Trek. Of exasperation, he had dreams of making robots that can talk to humans.

Amith Singhal obtained an engineering degree in computer science from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee in 1989.
Amit then continued his studies at the University of Minnesota Duluth, United States (US), and obtained his M.Sc in computer science in 1991. He then went on to college S-3 at Cornell University, New York, USA.

At Cornell University, Amit Singhal medalami information retrieval that is a branch of computer science that is the foundation of modern search engines. Here, guided by Prof. Amit Gerard Salton is a pioneer information retrieval and predicted as the Father of Digital Search.

After obtaining his Ph.D. in 1996, Amit Singhal worked as a researcher at AT & T Labs. Field of study was the speech information retrieval and retrieval. In 2000, Amit joined Google at the invitation of his friend, Krishna Bharat (creator of Google News, a service that automatically indexes over 25,000 news websites in more than 25 languages).

At Google, Amit Singhal became Head of Search Quality Team. He told Sergey Brin:
"Your search engine is very good, but let me rewrite algorithm which was In 2001, Amith Singhal rewrote the Google algorithm so that the algorithm has a new ranking system and is able to differentiate Apple (software) and apple (fruit). The above achievements, Amith was awarded a Google Fellow, a title of honor given to a handful of Google's most successful engineers.

Not necessarily stop there, Amit and his team to add new features in Google's algorithm to ensure that Google search results are relevant and qualified. Two very famous feature is the Panda and Penguin. Panda algorithm is a sieve for downgraded the blog sites that quality content is low (eg, a blog that contains content automatically-AGC, the spin results, not good grammar, and so on). The Penguin algorithm is a sieve for downgraded the blog sites that violate Google's quality guidelines such as backlink paid and comment spam.

Amith Singhal rewrote the Google algorithm in 2013. This new algorithm called Humming bird which was capable of displaying complex search queries. Currently, Amit was upgrade our Google algorithm so as to provide search results from a voice-based query.

For Amith, it seems Google is the right place to realize his childhood dream of making a robot. Not a robot made of iron and steel, but the virtual robot made of the algorithm.

Thanks for Reading : Amit Singhal, Indian People Behind The Sophistication of the Google Search Engine


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