How to Create a Blog then Start Monetizing - Guidelines for Newbies

How to Create a Blog then Start Monetizing - Guidelines for Newbies
How to Create a Blog then Start Monetizing - Guidelines for Newbies

During this time I struggled making dozens of niche blogs in English. However, I am trying my best to create a blog niche in Indonesian language because the same manufacturing principles with niche blogs in English. Well, in this first update, I inform the type of blog that I will make, how to monetize it, and the blog topic that is being researched.

Type Blog

Based on the article, I think niche blog consists of 3 types: micro site, web medium, and large sites. Micro site is a niche blog that have 1-20 articles. Medium site is a niche blogs that have 21-100 articles, while large site is a niche blog that has more than 100 articles. Type blog latter is sometimes called authority site.

Of the three types of these blogs, I decided to make the authority site. Why? Because I want to focus on content creation and minimize link building.

Niche blog content will I write myself so it does not drain the wallet, but did not rule out I will recruit an author when a niche blog that already has more than 100 articles.

How to Monetize

Indonesian language blog can be monetized in a variety of ways such as pay per click PPC (Google AdSense, Save Me, and Gather Blogger), affiliated extremists (Zalora, Lazada, ebook others, etc), standalone ad, and sell their own products (ebooks, training , themes, plugins, etc.).

From a variety of ways, I would monetize my niche blog with Google AdSense. The plan, if my own niche blog at least 30 articles and at least 3 months old, I would register to the Google's PPC program. Of course I would use the name of another person as registrants (could be a cousin or a friend) because my name has been banned.


There are three topics I research to determine the main keywords that I want to shoot. Three topics are:

1. Car

I am interested in the topic of the car because I often saw the ad on blogs that display Google AdSense ads. In addition, I have a desire to understand the world of cars.

2. World of Work

I have experience as an employee for nearly 10 years (2.5 years at my alma mater and 7 years in a private company). Love, grief, and tips on finding a job and carry out employee can I completely peeled. In addition, I also have dozens of books about the world of work, both of which I purchased myself or that I get when following some training in the world of work.

3. Tourism

Indonesia has many beautiful sights. I want to know the tourist places before visiting some place (if there is a fee). In addition to Indonesia, international tourism has also attracted so worth writing so that it can help those who love the streets abroad.

Keywords, what would I choose? Stay tuned for the next update.

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