Draft Budget Project Cost 100 Niche Blog - Invest and See

Draft Budget Project Cost 100 Niche Blog - Invest and See
Draft Budget Project Cost 100 Niche Blog - Invest and See

As I mentioned in the article If I Become Full Time Blogger, I plan to create 100nicheblog monetized with Google Adsense.
After my count, it turns out the cost of this project amounted to $ 7,000 (Rp63 million, assuming the exchange rate Rp9,000 per dollar).

Here is the draft budget.

1. The domain fees

I'm trying to buy a domain ending in .com, .net, .co or .org.
Assuming a price of $ 10 per domain per year, then the domain fee is 100 x $ 10 = $ 1,000.

This fee can actually be pressed to buy a domain ending in .info, but I still consider it.
According to some references, domains ending in .info widely used autoblog, blogs AGC, and spammer.

2. The cost of hosting

Because not been able to purchase a dedicated hosting, I plan to put 100nicheblog on shared hosting. Of course, not all blogs in one hosting account, but I will divide it into 10 hosting accounts (1 account occupied 10nicheblog).

Assuming one account for $ 100 per year, the cost of hosting up to 10 x $ 100 = $ 1,000. These costs will I scatter to some hosting providers, namely Doreo, Hostgator, and BlueHost.

3. Cost of Content Creation
In the era of Google Panda, blog content shall be unique and original (not copy and paste content). Therefore, I plan to use the services of the manufacture of articles. Assuming each nicheblog contain 10 posts and the price of each article (300 words) for $ 3, the cost of making this content: 10 x $ 3 x 100 = $ 3,000.

4. Cost of link building

Link building is important to boost nicheblog rank in Google.com search results. This is what i can do myself, I plan to pay people to do link building. Assuming one nicheblog require $ 20, the cost of link building: 100 x $ 20 = $ 2,000.

Thus, the total cost of all four of the above items was $ 7,000.

Cost sources

There are three sources of cost for this project:

1. Savings itself

I had to spend alone. The amount budgeted costs from this source amounted to $ 3,000.

2. Credit Card

Credit card I would use to buy a domain and hosting. Thus, the cost of one year can I cicil each month (though subject to interest). Funds from this source amounted to $ 2,000

3. Selling adsense blog

I once read that a US blogger (Chris Gutrie) who want to buy Adsense blog that already earn $ 100 per month. I have a blog like this. If sold, then I will post the price of 24 x $ 100 = $ 2,400.

Saving opportunities

The cost of this project is quite large. Therefore, I shall seek to economize. One is in the content creation. I try to write content in 30nicheblog, the rest use article writing services.

One more gap that can be entered is the cost of link building. If link building that I do can deliver a nicheblog to page 1 Google.com, then I would not buy link building for the blog.

By the way, what do you think about the design of this project cost?

Thanks for Reading : Draft Budget Project Cost 100 Niche Blog - Invest and See


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