How to Display Both Text and Image Ads for Google AdSense

How to Display Both Text and Image Ads for Google AdSense
Ways on How to Display Both Text and Image Ads for Google AdSense to Keep Making Highly Rated Online Website Income

Display Google AdSense ads can be manifold text, images, links (links) and search. The fourth performance of this type vary in each of their publisher.
Nonetheless, for me, the kind of text and image ads perform better than ads kinds of links and search.

The other good news is the type of text and image ads can be created simultaneously so no report. If you are just playing Google AdSense and do not yet know how to make this type of advertising, do not worry because you can make it easily. All you need to do is the following steps.

1. Visit the Google Adsense page and click on Sign In to sign into your Google AdSense account by typing your Gmail address and password.

2. On the front page of your account, click the My Ads tab. After that, click the New ad units.

3. Give the name of your ad unit. For example, I named "Lukman Sebutu" on for the ad unit that will I have placed in the top post.

4. Select ad views Recommended (recommended).
Then select one of the available ad sizes (auutomatic size, 728 x 90, 336 x 280, 320 x 100, 300 x 600 and 300 x 250). For example, I chose the size of 300 x 250 because it looks good on desktop and mobile phones.

5. In the Ad type, choose Text & display ads. This mode will display text and image ads.

6. In Text ad style, select Default.

7. Click the Copy and edit. Fill in name Style, Border, title, background, text, and URL. After that, select the font family and font size.
After that, click the Save button to save the changes.


*. Code color, typeface and font size should be harmonized with the color code used links on your blog. For example, if the color of links on your blog is blue, use blue color code for the ad unit you create.

*. If you're confused by the color code, font, and font size, leave these parts like luggage.

8. If you want to track the performance of ads, create custom chanells (special channel). To create one, click the triangle on there Custom channels. Continue by clicking the button Create new custome channel.

9. Fill in the Name box.
Leave the other boxes, such as the default, and then click the Save button. New channel name that you create will be placed in a special channel.

10. Click the Save and get code. There will be a notification that was made successfully and the ad code.

11. Repeat steps 1 through 10 to create another ad unit (eg for lower posts and sidebar section).

Make Google AdSense ads is not something difficult. Try to do the steps above so that you can create a Google AdSense ad text and images manifold. Feel free to change the color and size of the ad after a week or two if you feel less good performance.

Expert Lheeman


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