How To Easily Install Google AdSense Ads in WordPress

How To Easily Install Google AdSense Ads in WordPress
Simple Ways on How To Easily Install Google AdSense Ads in WordPress Site

In the previous post I cover How to Display Both Text and Image Ads for Google AdSense.

The following step by step is an explanation on how to install Google AdSense ads using the plugin.

A. Install the plugin Quick Adsense

To install and activate the plugin Quick Adsense, all what you need to do is:

1. Log into your WordPress blog. Please remember, I mean here is a WordPress blog WordPress blog which uses self-hosting, not

2. In the Plugins feature, click Add New.

3. In the search box, type Quick Adsense and press the Enter key on your laptop or computer.

4. You will see a short description of Quick Adsense plugins. In the description, click the Install Now button.

5. On the notification that appears, click the Activate Plugin.

B. Quick Adsense Plugin Settings

Quick Adsense Plugin has been active, and it is time you install the Google AdSense ad code in the plugin. Stages as follows:

6. On the Settings feature, click the Quick Adsense.

7. You will see Adsense Quick Settings page. On the settings page, you can choose the position at the beginning of the post (Beginning of the Post), in the middle posts (Middle of post), at the bottom or end of the posting (End of post), and so on. Choose or check your ad position reviews.

For example, I chose the position of After paragraph 2 to the ad code 1 (Ads 1) and the End of the Post for the ad code 2.

Note: I chose After Paragraph 2 because the first paragraph of posts is occupied by the image.

8. In the Appearance section (), select the Posts and Page for Google AdSense ads to appear in posts and pages.

9. In the Adsense Codes, enter the Google AdSense ad code that you have previously made.
For example, box 1 Ads for Google AdSense ad code to the top of the post, and box 2 Ads to the ad code under the posts. Do not forget to select the Alignment (left, center, or right) and the margin of the ads.

10. In the Sidebar Widgets, enter your Google AdSense ad code to be placed in the sidebar.

Note: If you only make one ad code, enter the code in the box advertisements Ads 1 Ads 2, and Ads WIDGET1.

11. Click the Save Changes button to save your changes, then go to one of your posts. In the post, you will see Google AdSense ads, while Google AdSense ads in the sidebar has not yet appeared.

12. To bring up the Google AdSense ads in the sidebar, click the Drag to Sidebar on the right of Ads on the Sidebar Widgets.

13. You will see the Widgets, widget place AdsWidget1 (Quick Adsense) is located. Drag (slide) the widget to your sidebar, such as the Primary Sidebar.

14. Open your blog to check Google AdSense ads that appear in the Sidebar.

Note: If you've made a Google AdSense ad code, it took 5-10 minutes for Google AdSense ads to appear in posts, pages, and the sidebar.

C. Remove AdSense Ads in Specific Page

Quick Adsense Plugin has a feature to remove the Google AdSense ads on certain pages, such as pages About, Contact, and Archive. The following step by step must be applied in using the feature.

15. On the Dashboard of your blog, click the Pages feature so that it appears on all of the pages you have created.

16. Go to a page you want to removed his Google AdSense ads. Once open, click tabText that appear related tabs Quick Adsense.

17. Point your mouse at the end of the text of the page, then click the No Ads to remove the Google AdSense ads on those pages. No Ads Code will appear in the final text of the page.

18. Click the Update button to save the changes on the page.

19. Perform steps 15 s.d 18 for other pages need to lose its Google AdSense ads.

Site D. Authorization

If you put AdSense ads on a blog, either manually or using plugins, the blog should be authorize to be earnings recorded in your Google AdSense account.
The steps are as follows:

1. On your Google AdSense account, click the Settings feature in the top right.

2. Click Access and authorization.

3. Enter your blog domain (without http and www) in the box provided. After that, click the Save button and you are good to go....

Expert Lheeman


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