Introducing the Case Study Of Blog Local Affiliates Program - Develop Your Affiliate Program

Introducing the Case Study Of Blog Local Affiliates Program - Develop Your Affiliate Program

Happy Good Year 2017!
Hopefully our blogging activity and earnings in this year better than the previous year.

Opens EXPERTLHEEMAN posts in 2017, I introduced a new case study is a case study of local affiliate blog. For the initial stage, an affiliate program that will I follow is an affiliate Lazada.

Why do I make this case study? What would I do in this case study? Below are the answers to both questions.

Why do I make this case study?

Here are 3 reasons I made this case study.

1. I am not familiar with affiliate

As is known, the affiliate is one way to make money from blogs. The advantages of this method is that we do not bother to take care of the product so that it can be a passive income.

Personally, I am no stranger to the affiliate (the term is affiliate marketing). In fact, I have to pursue through the Amazon affiliate niche blogs in English since 2011.

Last year, Amazon's affiliate is the largest contributor for my blogging income. Google AdSense earnings far outstrip mine.

Regardless, I will apply my experience in the Amazon affiliate in this case study. Hopefully useful for those who are interested to pursue local affiliates.

2. Intrigued by affiliates Lazada

I have long been know Lazada. So is the affiliate program. It makes me curious to try an affiliate program online stores acquired Alibabasebesar 500 million US dollars on 12 April 2016 then.

Speaking about the affiliate program Lazada, I heard from some of my friends that affiliate programs are bad. For example, the affiliate commission could not be traced to the detriment of participants affiliates. Is it true?

I have no idea. What is certain for me, I want to try any affiliate program Lazada. If good, thank God. If on the contrary, I take an important lesson as well add my flight hours in the local affiliates.

In addition, I also could look for alternative affiliate program.
Or, hopefully Amazon so expansion into Indonesia as the rumored mid-lalusehingga I à ¢ Å "more peopleà ¢ â,¬ using Amazon affiliate.

3. Material EXPERTLHEEMAN posts

If you are a frequent visitor to EXPERTLHEEMAN, you probably know this rarely update my blog last year. Well, so the incident did not happen again in 2017, I will make this as a case study material EXPERTLHEEMAN post as the Duel Niche and Blog Blog Case Studies Authority.

I believe, based postings interesting case study because it is not a theory or concept. Thus, you are a frequent visitor to EXPERTLHEEMAN not bored. On the other hand, you are just visiting then you can be EXPERTLHEEMAN loyal visitors.

What Would I Do in Case Study It?

As you might guess, there are many things I would do in building and developing a new blog. Still, I'm simplifying this case study into seven steps:

1. Research keywords

2. Choose a domain name

3. Setting blog and content strategy

4. Making 10 first article

5. Crave for backlinks

6. Well-Managing affiliate program Lazada

7. Optional is blog income

I will inform you of the seven steps in subsequent postings. Plus, I also will give you a tutorial related to this case study.

For a while, that's all I can introduce case studies to inform the local affiliate's blog. If you have an idea or suggestion that this case study is better for me or more helpful to you, please inform in the comments section.

Introducing the Case Study Of Blog Local Affiliates Program - Develop Your Affiliate Program

1 comment:

  1. If only this would change me for better - You seems to be the best ever


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