Pomodoro Technique, Simple Ways on How to Maximize Your Time

Pomodoro Technique, Simple Ways on How to Maximize Your Time
Pomodoro Technique, Simple Ways on How to Maximize Your Time

Whatever your profession, management or time management is something that must be done to improve your productivity. There are a number of techniques to manage time, but the most widely used is the Pomodoro Technique.
What are the benefits and how to do this technique?

What is the Pomodoro Technique?

Pomodoro Technique was created by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s pomodoro word itself comes from the Italian language, which means tomatoes. So named because Cirillo using tomato-shaped timer when managing your time.

The concept of Pomodoro technique is a task in blocks of 25 minutes. In between each block of time, there is a 5-minute break.
Upon completion of the four blocks of time, a break can be longer.

What benefit?

If you decide to use the Pomodoro technique in any task, you will:
*. Focus on the task at hand

*. Eliminate the habit of multi-tasking

*. Get more things because there is a sense of urgency

*. Avoid the mindset perfection

*. Increase the power struggle (willpower) and concentration

*. Lower stress levels because only do one thing for a certain duration

How to Make the Pomodoro Technique

You already know the meaning and benefits of Pomodoro technique.
Furthermore, how do I do? Here are five stages for Pomodoro technique.

Step 1: Select your job and specify a total time to perform the task. For example, you will write a post with a length of 2,000 words for two hours.

Stage 2: Block time for 25 minutes. This can be done by setting the alarm on your cell phone or an hour to 25 minutes ahead. For example, if you work at 09:00, set the alarm to 9:25.

Stage 3: Work within the span of 25 minutes. Avoid all distractions that arise, for example, open Facebook, check Twitter, read email, reply to short messages and answer phone calls that are not important.

Step 4: Once the alarm goes off, rest for 5 minutes. You can fill it with coffee, go to the toilet, or call your friends. In essence, rose from their seats for 5 minutes so that your body does not accomplish.

Step 5: After a pause, block 25 minutes again to continue writing. After 4 times the block, rest for 20-30 minutes.

By knowing the benefits and the steps above, you can apply the Pomodoro technique in any type of task. Thus, you can maximize your time for meaningful activities (not a waste of time).

Are you interested in applying the Pomodoro technique?

Note: Personally, I have been using this technique since the beginning of February 2017. As a result, I became more productive in writing.

Expert Lheeman


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