Systems to be Following if You Wants To Be a Productive Blogger

Systems to be Following if You Wants To Be a Productive Blogger
Systems to be Following if You Wants To Be a Productive Blogger

If you are admitted to a blogger, you have to write.
Therefore, your productivity is measured by the number of words written. The more words are written, the more productive you (eg bog consistently updated and or a complete ebook). For that purpose, there is a system that you must follow.

I call this system a productive blogger system (SBP).
Consists of four phases (see figure below), this system will be effective if you do so before other activities such as playing Facebook or read other people's blogs.

1. Finding the idea of writing (10 minutes)

The first stage is to find writing ideas. These ideas can be found from his own experience, post someone else, Google AdWords Keyword Planner, books, magazines, television, radio, or other people's problems. This activity should not be more than 10 minutes.

2. Writing (60 minutes)

The next step is to write based on ideas found. Your target at this stage is to make the first draft writing. Naturally, this draft consists title, introduction, content, conclusions, and section asks readers to take action (call to action).

Tricks that you smooth writing is:
*. Separate writing of editing

*. Eliminate distractions write (eg, turning off the Internet or your mobile phone)

*. Find a comfortable place to write (for example in warkop or library)

The time needed to write the first draft of this writing relies number of the desired word. For example, it took me 60 minutes to write the first draft of posts 500 words. Meanwhile, it took me 2 hours to write the first draft of the post 1000 words.

3. Edit (90 minutes)

After the first draft is complete, you must edit it. This activity can be done immediately or after a certain period of time (eg one or two days later).
Whenever you do, editing consists of fixing a typo, streamline sentence, coherensity between paragraphs, standardize said, tilting foreign words, insert the keyword, and strengthens the argument.

Because using the left brain (logic), editing generally takes longer than writing. Personally, it took me 90 minutes to edit the first draft writing 500 words.

4. Publish (20 minutes)

After going through the editing, writing the first draft of the final turn into ready to publish on your blog. Before you hit the publish button, there are three things that must be done. First, format the text for the better. It can be used H3 on the points discussed and add read more in order not long in the front page of the blog. Second, create a link (link) to the writing yourself or others. Both of these activities took about 5 minutes.

Third, insert a more attractive image to paper (optional because it depends on the tastes blogger). The selected image should not infringe on the copyrights of others. For this purpose, you can search for images on Flickr and the like sites.
Interesting image search on the site took about 15 minutes.

After completing both of the above, you can press the publish button. Re-read the published article (commonly called posts), who knew there was a typo. If it still exists, edit the post as soon as possible.

By following these four stages SBP above, you can become a prolific blogger. Of course, you need a commitment to implement them in order to be consistent.
When you are consistent, be a prolific blogger is not as difficult as imagined.

State where its hard for you?

Expert Lheeman


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