How to Display Both Text and Image Ads for Google AdSense

How to Display Both Text and Image Ads for Google AdSense
Ways on How to Display Both Text and Image Ads for Google AdSense to Keep Making Highly Rated Online Website Income

Display Google AdSense ads can be manifold text, images, links (links) and search. The fourth performance of this type vary in each of their publisher.
Nonetheless, for me, the kind of text and image ads perform better than ads kinds of links and search.

The other good news is the type of text and image ads can be created simultaneously so no report. If you are just playing Google AdSense and do not yet know how to make this type of advertising, do not worry because you can make it easily. All you need to do is the following steps.

1. Visit the Google Adsense page and click on Sign In to sign into your Google AdSense account by typing your Gmail address and password.

2. On the front page of your account, click the My Ads tab. After that, click the New ad units.

3. Give the name of your ad unit. For example, I named "Lukman Sebutu" on for the ad unit that will I have placed in the top post.

4. Select ad views Recommended (recommended).
Then select one of the available ad sizes (auutomatic size, 728 x 90, 336 x 280, 320 x 100, 300 x 600 and 300 x 250). For example, I chose the size of 300 x 250 because it looks good on desktop and mobile phones.

5. In the Ad type, choose Text & display ads. This mode will display text and image ads.

6. In Text ad style, select Default.

7. Click the Copy and edit. Fill in name Style, Border, title, background, text, and URL. After that, select the font family and font size.
After that, click the Save button to save the changes.


*. Code color, typeface and font size should be harmonized with the color code used links on your blog. For example, if the color of links on your blog is blue, use blue color code for the ad unit you create.

*. If you're confused by the color code, font, and font size, leave these parts like luggage.

8. If you want to track the performance of ads, create custom chanells (special channel). To create one, click the triangle on there Custom channels. Continue by clicking the button Create new custome channel.

9. Fill in the Name box.
Leave the other boxes, such as the default, and then click the Save button. New channel name that you create will be placed in a special channel.

10. Click the Save and get code. There will be a notification that was made successfully and the ad code.

11. Repeat steps 1 through 10 to create another ad unit (eg for lower posts and sidebar section).

Make Google AdSense ads is not something difficult. Try to do the steps above so that you can create a Google AdSense ad text and images manifold. Feel free to change the color and size of the ad after a week or two if you feel less good performance.

Expert Lheeman

How to Enroll and Apply for Payoneer Master Card

How to Enroll and Apply for Payoneer Master Card
Guidelines on How to Enroll and Apply for Payoneer Master Card for Free

Payoneer is a payment services and international money transfers. Founded in 2005, Payoneer has helped millions of people receiving payments from the company and the international market place. One of them is me.

I've started using Payoneer since January 2017 to receive an Amazon affiliate commission payments through direct deposit.
Each end of the month, I dilute the commission by using an ATM card in the air Payoneer Master Card logo. Liquefaction system like this are very impressed to me as the dollar directly converted into Naira without complicated.

If you are interested in using Payoneer, but not know how to register, do not worry. All you need to do is the following steps.
1. Visit the Payoneer (link affiliated extremists)

2. Click on the Payoneer Sign Up button

3. Fill Personal Details with first name, last name, email address, and date of birth. After that, click Next.

Note: You must be 18 years or older to be able to use Payoneer.

4. Fill in Contact Details composed of state, street address, city, zip code, and telephone number (mobile or landline). Then, click the Next button.

5. Content Security Details consisting of a password, re-enter the password, security question and security answer. Continue by clicking the Next button.

6. Enter your identity. This identity can be ID card, driver's license or passport. If using the ID card, you may be highly recognised as good customer.

7. Check - third click that i agree and click the Order button.

8. You will see a notification that your application is being reviewed.

9. Check your email for further notice from Payoneer.

10. When your registration is accepted, your Payoneer card will be mailed to your address.

Payoneer registering is free and not hard as long as you have a valid identity card. Try the steps above when you register or create an account in Payoneer and start Payoneer Login all for free.

Hope this helps ??

Expert Lheeman

Ways on How to Use Google AdWords Keyword Planner

Ways on How to Use Google AdWords Keyword Planner
Ways on How to Use Google AdWords Keyword Planner

As a blogger, you should know how to find keywords for postings made. The key word searches can use Google AdWords Keyword Planner (GAKP). In addition to free and easy to use, GAKP also provide data on the number of monthly searches a keyword so you can estimate the potential visitors that would be obtained if you post in Google's number one position.

If you have not used GAKP, do not worry. Here is a step by step in using the tool.

1. Visit GAKP.

2. Sign In by Clicking the link in the upper right named "Sign In".

3. Type your Gmail address and password, then click Sign in.
(If you do not have a Gmail email, please create first @

4. On the Find New Keywords page that appears, click the Search for new keywords using a phrase, website or category.

5. In the box Your product or service, type a word (eg, Adsense).

6. Because of the words typed in step 5 to speak Indonesian, Indonesia and Indonesian select the bagianTargeting. The other part leave it as the default.

7. Click the Get Ideas.

8. On the page that appears, click the Keyword ideas.

9. You will see the keyword data and relevant key words.


*. Avg. monthly searches is the average monthly search

*. Competition is the size of Google AdWords advertisers competition on a keyword (not the size of the competition on page 1 of Google)

*. Suggested bid price for a keyword

Downloading Selected Keywords Of key words you are looking for in GAKP, maybe there are some keywords that interesting to be the topic of your post. If so, select the key words and then download so you do not forget. To do this, follow these steps.

10. Move your cursor over your keywords to be selected, and then click the blue box that appears.

11. They'll go to the Your Plan.

12. Repeat step 10 for other key words that will be selected.

13. If you want to look for another word (such as dandruff), type the word in the box Your Product or Service. After that, click the Get ideas.

14. Select key words that appear in a manner as in step 10.

15. Once you find the number of keywords selected fairly, download by clicking the Download icon plan.

16. In the notification that appears, select Excel CSV and then click the Download button.

17. Click Save the file.

18. Open the Excel file that you've downloaded, and then remove the parts that are not needed and set the zoom to suit your taste.

19. Save the Excel file on your laptop or computer.

GAKP is very easy to use to search for key words that will be the topic of the post. Therefore, practice as often as possible using GAKP so that you master it.

Expert Lheeman

How to Manage Your Wordpress Archives Plugin with Clean Archives Reloaded

How to Manage Your Wordpress Archives Plugin with Clean Archives Reloaded
How to Manage Your Wordpress Archives Plugin with Clean Archives Reloaded

For business WordPress blog archives, I prefer to create an archive that displays all posts (eg Archive Expertlheeman). Besides easier for visitors to navigate a blog content, archives as it helped me also in the search for a particular post the link when I want to create an internal link in the post I made.

A few weeks ago five visitors ask me about how to make it. I informed them that Expertlheeman Archives created using the plugin Clean Archives Reloaded. If you want to make your blog archive with the plugin Clean Archives Reloaded, here are step-by-stage.

A. Install and Enable Plugins Clean Archives Reloaded

The first step is to install and activate the plugin Clean Archives Reloaded. Here's how:

1. Log into your WordPress blog which uses self-hosting.

2. Click Add New Plugin on Plugins feature.

3. In the Search box provided, type the Clean Archives Reloaded.

4. Click the Install Now button that is in a brief part description of the plugin.

5. Click OK on the notification Are you sure you want to install this plugin?

6. Click the Active Plugin.

7. You will see a notification that says the plugin Clean Archives Reloaded has been activated.

B. Create a Page Archive

After activating the plugin Clean Archives Reloaded, the next step you should do is make the Archive page.

8. Pad Pages feature, click Add New Page.

9. Provide Archive title (or whatever name suits your taste) or section title in the box provided. After that, at the point of writing, add a short code (shortcode) specific. This code can be seen in the Clean Archives Reloaded Installation.

10. Publish the archive page.

11. See the results by visiting the page. The default archive display (default) contains postings in the latest month.

3. Setting Clean Archives Reloaded

To show all the posts each month, do the following:

12. In the Settings feature, click Clean Archives.

13. On the settings page that appears, check the box to load the Javascript files Only when displaying an archive (this will break the archive list if it is used in your sidebar).

14. Click Save Changes to save the changes to the settings.

15. See the results in the Archive page. You will see your Archive page displays all posts each month.

4. Remove Total Comments Number of Posts
As you also read above, all posts have appeared each month.
However, there is something disturbing that the number of comments appear at the end of the posting links. So is the number of posts after the month name.

To eliminate the number of comments and the number of these postings, you must edit the plugin Clean Archives Reloaded.

16. On Plugins feature, click Editor.

17. Select the Clean Archives Reloaded box Select plugin to edit. After that, click the Select button.

18. You will see Snake Plugins. Abolishing the number of comments, delete php code that begins with - Unless comments are closed and there are no comments, show the comment COUNTABLE.

19. To eliminate you will need to update file.

20. Click the Update File.

21. You'll See edit here to open the page of your Archive.

5. Show Archive Page in Navigation Header

Not all WordPress themes display page (page) on its header navigation. If the theme you are using as the display page navigation header Archive in part of it

22. On the Appearance feature, click Menus.

23. You will see the Edit Menus. In the Pages section, check the Archives box and then click the Add to Menu Items.

24. The Archives will go to the Menu Structure. On the menu structure, you can drag any item to set the location as you wish.
Click Save Menu.

25. Check your blog header navigation link to check the appearance of the Archive.

Clean Archives Reloaded Plugin has helped me in making informative blog archives. If you want to make records like that, what you do is take a step by step I described above.

Good luck!

Expert Lheeman

How to Add a logo on the Genesis Child Theme

How to Add a logo on the Genesis Child Theme
How to Add a logo on the Genesis Child Theme

Genesis is a premium theme that is supported by about 50 child theme. Some of these themes child equipped with a logo that is located under the Default Layout feature in Genesis Settings so that the logo is uploaded (upload) via the file manager can be displayed on the blog hosting.

However, the logo features not available on most child theme, such as Prose, Pro Magazine, Lifestyle Pro and Pro News.

Fortunately, this problem can be solved with Easy Genesis Logo Uploader plugin. Here's how to add a logo using the plugin.

A. It is Easy to install and Activate Plugin Uploader Genesis Logo

1. Log into your WordPress blog

2. Click Add New Plugin on Plugins feature.

3. In the Search box provided, type Easy Genesis Logo Uploader.

4. Click the Install Now button that is in part a brief description of the plugin.

5. Click OK on the notification Are you sure you want to install this plugin?

6. Click the Active Plugin.

7. You will see a notification stating Easy Genesis Logo Uploader plugin is active. In addition, there is also a notification asking you to delete the header custom code in functions.php. For information, Genesis Easy Logo Uploader plugin does not work if the header custom code has not been removed.

B. Removing custome Header Code

To remove the header custome code, the steps are:

8. Move your cursor on a feature and then click Appearance Editor.

9. On page Stylesheet (style.css) appear, see the top right and then click the Theme Functions (functions.php).

You will see the page functions.php. On this page, find the header custom code that begins with command// * Add support for custom header and ends with a semicolon.

Section headers are usually custom code varies, depending on the child theme is used.

10. Remove custome header code and click on the Update File. Notifications as explained in step 7 will disappear by itself.

C. Uploading Logo

Now it is time to upload a logo which I assume you have created before installing the plugin Easy Genesis Logo Uploader. Stages uploading a logo as follows:

11. Move your cursor on the Appearance feature, and then click Customize.

12. Click the Upload logo that appears Select Image button.

13. Click the Select Image button and then click Upload Files and Select Files.

14. Locate the logo on your computer, and then click Open.

15. You will see ATTACHMENT DETAILS. Fill in the Title box and Alt Text available (the other box is left as default). After that, click the button Choose Image.

16. Click the Save & Publish.

D. Raising Logo in Header Blog

Logo uploaded yet to appear in the header. To bring it up, follow the steps below:

17. Move your cursor on the menu and then click Theme Settings Genesis.

18. In the Header box settings, select Image logo.

19. Click the Save Settings button.

20. Visit your blog to see the logo that has been uploaded.

21. Adjust the distance of the logo padding that match the look of your blog header. (This is done in part Stylesheet (style.css). Use the add-on Firebug to determine the logo CSS code).

For those of you who like Genesis, Genesis Easy Logo Uploader plugin is an easy solution to add a logo to the Genesis child theme which is not equipped with a logo on its Settings section. Good luck!

Expert Lheeman

How to Remove Date Stamp Time from Google Search Results

How to Remove Date Stamp Time from Google Search Results
How to Remove Date Stamp Time from Google Search Results

One of my attention on the topic of non-news blogging is the old post I looked expire on Google search results and other search engines. For example, my post stubs SEO in 2012 expired in comparison similar postings property of others published in 2017.

Date of actual postings can be eliminated by removing the date code in single.php and funtion.php or by not checking the date posted in specific theme settings (eg Genesis).
Unfortunately, these methods remove date on all posts that could be confused with the visitor when the time of publication the latest postings.

One solution to the problem above is to remove only the date on a number of posts. This can be done using artificial SEO plugin Exclusion Date Greg Royal. Here are the steps.

A. Install Plugin

1. Log into your WordPress blog.

2. In the Plugins feature, click the Add New Plugin.

3. In the Search Plugins box provided, type Date Exclusion SEO.

4. Click Install Now on display the plugin.

5. Click OK on the notification Are you sure you want to install this plugin?

6. Click the link Active Plugin.

7. You will see a notification that the Exclusion Date SEO plugin activated.

B. Setting Date Exclusion SEO

To eliminate the date in a number of posts, follow the steps below:

8. Hover your cursor to the Settings feature, then click the link Date Exclusion SEO.

9. You will see the Exclusion Date settings page SEO. In this section, only that you fill is a box Number of Days to Expiry. Fill with the number of days for the posts to be removed date.

For example, I set mine to 90 days. This will remove the posting date in the age of 90 days or more. The period of 90 days effective from today and the days ahead.

Do not check the boxes Dates Remove From Posts, Remove from Tag Pages Dates, Dates Remove from Category Pages, Dates Remove from Front Page. There are also Use the the_date () function, Use the the_time () function, Use the get_the_time () function, leave it checked as luggage.

10. Click the Save Changes button to save the changes you make.

11. Wait 1-3 days (based on my observations) to see the changes in Google's results.

Good luck!

Note: If your content manifold news, you should not omit the date because the date is the record time of occurrence of an event.

Expert Lheeman

How to Find Free and Legal photos on Flickr

How to Find Free and Legal photos on Flickr
How to Find Free and Legal photos on Flickr

Flickr is one of the most popular photo sharing sites.
Yahoo's Site has a variety of photos and images uploaded to its users. For free and legal use photos from these sites in your blog, you have to find photos or pictures with the attributes of Creative Commons. To that end, here's how.

1. Visit the Flickr Advanced Search

2. Enter a topic or keyword photo you want to look at the field Search for.

3. Scroll downdan see the Creative Commons. Check the box next to see Only search within Creative Commons-licensed content.

4. Click the Search button.

5. You will see a number of photos related topic or keyword search. For example, photographs of which are relevant to your search results.

6. Select the photos that suit your needs. After that, open the photo. For example, writing in the journal photo

7. To download the photo, hover your cursor over the icon Download this photo in the form of a downward arrow. Then, click on the icon that appears multiple of photo sizes.

8. Click one the size of the photo and save it on your computer.


*. Before you uploaded to your blog, rename (rename) the photo with the name that is relevant to the topic of your writing.

*. Once uploaded in your post, give credit or the image source link for copyright to the photo is not on you. These links can be to their owners or to their own photos. For example, I put a link to the photo owner at the end of the posting 7 fear that harm blogs.

Congratulations as you are looking for free and legal photo on Flickr!

Expert Lheeman

Ways on How to Compare Data Traffic in Google Analytics

Ways on How to Compare Data Traffic in Google Analytics
Ways on How to Compare Data Traffic in Google Analytics

What is the percent increase or decrease in your blog traffic from the previous month? Of course, the answer you will get if you compare the data traffic of the blog. Comparison of these data will be easier if you use traffic data from Google Analytics.
Here is a step by step compares the traffic data in Google Analytics.

1. Log into Google Analytics use your Gmail address and password. If you do not already have a Google Analytics, please see my previous post on how to enroll in Google's free tool in our search page.

2. You'll see Google Analytics consisting of Home, Reporting, Customization, and Admin (if the language used is English). Traffic data that appear on the Home page in the form of data traffic in the last 30 days. Examples of the time range is February 14, 2017 to March 13, 2017.

3. Select the blog you want to compare is by clicking the link All Web Site Data (All Data Website).

4. You will see a relevant blog traffic reports in the last 30 days.

5. Click the date range box and select the range of dates (Date Range) that you want.

6. Click the box next to Compare to rate choose Previous period to compare the data traffic with the previous period. In this example, the data traffic in January compared to the traffic data of the previous period, ie march 2017, automatically, all the dates in march 2017 will be selected (characterized by orange color block).

7. Click the Apply button that appears graph comparison with two different colors (blue and orange). Additionally, the features of other data will also be compared characterized by a percentage. The percentage of green color indicates an increase, while the percentage of red color was it's opposite.

8. To eliminate the comparison of data traffic in, click the box next to Compare to.

As you can see, comparing the data traffic in Google Analytics is very easy. You just choose the desired date range and compared with the previous period. Good luck!

Expert Lheeman

How to Install Google Analytics on WordPress Blog Using WP Theme

How to Install Google Analytics on WordPress Blog Using WP Theme
How to Install Google Analytics on WordPress Blog Using WP Theme

In my view, Google Analytics is the best device to get blog traffic data. In addition to free, Google Analytics has various useful features. Therefore, I encourage the participants FlipMyBlogs Special Event and some friends a private course to me to install Google Analytics on every blog they create.

Unfortunately, some of them do not know how to install the Google Analytics code, especially for WordPress blogs that use the theme of Genesis. If you have the same problem, here is a step by step to set it up.

Google Analytics Tracking ID

Google Analytics is used by using a special tracking ID. To obtain the ID, follow the steps below:

1. Visit the Google Analytics.

2. Click Sign in in the upper right corner.

3. Enter your Gmail address and password in the fields, then click the Sign In button.

4. You may be asked to verify your Gmail account. Select a verification method available, ie receive a verification code via your mobile phone number, inform your phone number, or enter a different email address for recovery. The third method is related to the verification of the data that is used when you created your Gmail account.

5. After selecting one of the methods of verification, click the Continue button.

6. You will see a page that contains three steps analyze traffic. Click the Sign up button.

7. You will see the New Account page. Fill in the Setting up your property, Website URL, Industry Category, and Reporting Time Zone accordance to blog and where you live.

8. Leave the Data Sharing Settings such as luggage.

9. Click the Get Tracking ID.

10. In the notification that appears, click the I Accept button.

11. You will see the tracking code. Copy the code to be installed on your WordPress blog.

Placing tracking code at the feature Genesis Theme Settings
To put the Google Analytics code in WordPress blog which uses the theme of Genesis, the steps are:

1. Log in to your WordPress blog which uses the theme of Genesis.

2. You'll see a dashboard of the blog. Hover your cursor on Genesis features, then select Theme Settings.

3. Scroll down and see section to Enter scripts or code you would like the output to wp_footer ()

4. Paste the Google Analytics code that has been copied in step 11 .

5. Click the Save Settings button.

Google Analytics View

To view Google Analytics, how:

1. Click the Home link on the page that contains the code in step 11 above.

2. You'll see a Google Analytics view that there is no data.

Install Google Analytics on WordPress blogs that use the theme of Genesis is not difficult.
You live to get Google Analytics code and place it in the Theme Settings feature Genesis. Good luck!
Note: Steps to get Google Analytics code in some self-hosting WordPress blogs that use the other theme than the Genesis.
The code can then be placed through the similar ways

Expert Lheeman

10 Sure Tips to Build Online Store On Instagram and Sell your Products Fast

10 Sure Tips to Build Online Store On Instagram and Sell your Products Fast
10 Sure Tips to Build Online Store On Instagram and Sell your Products Fast

This is a guest post from Karl Expert. If you are interested in being a guest blogger on Expertlheeman, please mail us @

Instagram (IG) is one of the social media to popular photo sharing in Indonesia. Such as Twitter and Facebook, many people take advantage of the IG to make money by making an online store.

Many success stories of entrepreneurs online store IG, make you drool? Behind the success of the online store IG, many things need to be noticed mainly to gain customer satisfaction.

Here are 10 tips to build your online store at IG based on the customer's perspective.

1. Schedule the latest product updates

Specify the update schedule latest products so eagerly awaited by followers (followers). You can also come to publicly announce the schedule for the followers.

While doing post the latest product photos, give a distance of 5-10 minutes between one product with another product.
Post photos to the latest product updates will simultaneously meet the timeline of your followers.

2. Always include price information on each product

This will allow your followers do their own calculations. With the price, followers who plan to purchase more than one product to be able to easily see the total they have to pay. In addition, you also will not be bothered by the question repeated price.

3. Provide a description of the shop with you

Take advantage of Bio IG section to provide a concise explanation of the store, the type of goods being offered, and whether or not authentic goods.
Include also the banks that were used for payment and contacts.
Banks are popular used are Bank Mandiri, BCA and BNI. Contacts popular use is Whatsapp, LINE, and SMS.

4. Remove product photos are already sold-out and provide a ready stock

You can include the information that all the photos mean the stock is still there on your IG Bio. Many online shoppers who really know the product is not ready stock directly switching to the next shop, so if you're using store pre-order system, also make sure there are choices of goods ready stock.

5. Quick response via chat

The online store IG utilize chat appuntuk transaction. If you answer chat (either inquiries or orders) of more than 6 hours after the first chat is sent, might you lose a transaction. Prepare the format of the answer to the questions that often comes in, and the format of the order so as to facilitate and accelerate you respond to the chat.

6. Do not lock your account online store IG

One of the reasons some online stores lock their account is to make prospective followers of curiosity and finally follows the online store account to avoid window shopping only. Of course, the trick is a little disturbing prospect.

7. Use influence the Instaceleb

Promotion is essential to explore new buyers.
Unfortunately, most followers interrupted once when you make a sale online store to another store. Moreover, if other stores are selling products that much different from your online store.

Better find Instaceleb whose followers are in accordance with the target of your online store for endorsed. Some Instaceleb receive endorse any form of product or give a cost for each post in the IG them. The influence of Instaceleb also add your followers trust of your online store.

8. Show testimonials about your online store

Build trust of prospective buyers to your store with occasional publish customer testimonials. Unlock page Photos of You at the IG so that potential buyers can see tagging photos of the customers to your product.

9. Complete a personal complaint

If followers to make complaints by commenting on your IG, resolve these problems through chat or email. Then, remove the comments such of complaint.

10. Provide a bonus for loyal customers

This bonus is not necessarily in the form of a large or expensive. For example, if the selling make-up, you can provide product samples, rebates, or free shipping if loyal customers make purchases in bulk.

Muhammad of is an online tutor master dealing with all sort of how to do some which are mostly related with some of our contents

Expert Lheeman

Ways on How to Increase your Google AdSense Earnings and Still Keep it Rising

Ways on How to Increase your Google AdSense Earnings and Still Keep it Rising
Ways on How to Increase your Google AdSense Earnings and Still Keep it Rising

One question often asked by readers of Expertlheeman are - the steps of what to do if income from Google AdSense (GA) are going down. For me, this question is relatively difficult because of the decrease in earnings GA influenced by various factors. Nonetheless, it would not hurt you to try the following five steps.

1. Do not panic

The fall in earnings from GA certainly makes you upset, but the first step in react is not to panic. In other words, take it easy for publishers GA others have experienced as well. Consider it a regular thing.

2. See earnings of the last 90 days

The second step you should do is see your GA revenue trends. You can see it in earnings GA 30 days or 90 days. Personally, I prefer to look at the trend of earnings in the last 90 days.

To determine earnings of the past 90 days, set the date in Range of feature Date located at the top right of your GA account (If you have trouble counting past 90 days, check out our guide on How to Quickly Calculate easily Last 90 Days). As an illustration, one of my niche blogs in Indonesia language.

After that, click the tab Page Views that appear blue line that indicates the number of page views.

As you can see, earnings past 90 days indicates that a decrease in earnings GA aligned with decreased page views. Decline in page views have been clearly closely linked to the decline in the number of visitors.

What if the GA revenue down, but traffic remained or even increased? This can be attributed to lower cost per click (CPC) or the origin of the traffic (eg, India). Both of these factors can be overcome by experimenting change the size, position, or display advertising GA.

3. Check traffic data in Google Analytics

If traffic is the cause, the next step is the view of data traffic in Google Analytics. Pay attention Keywords feature Google Analytics so you can know what keywords are reduced.

In contrast to point 2 above, in the third step, you should compare your keyword data every month in the last 90 days. For example, keywords in December versus November, and November versus October.

4. Publish new posts

The next step is to publish the latest postings. If your blog is a blog manifold niche that only contain less than 10 posts, shutter key words that the CPC values its high (above $ 2). The hope, will boost earnings rise despite rising traffic yet.

If your blog is a blog manifold authority, ignore the CPC. Publish only quality stuff as much as possible. The goal, for postings that take visitors from the key words in length tail (long tail keywords).

5. Add a backlink

The final step is to increase the number of backlinks. You can add a backlink by commenting on other people's blogs (do follow and nofollow) or increase the number of private blog network you have. Another source is the social bookmarking sites and web 2.0 (for example,,, and so on).

The fall in the number of GA can be due to the lower earnings of traffic or other factors (eg CPC down while traffic remained or increased). If traffic is the cause, the five steps I described above worth a try.

Steps especially worth a try if the GA revenue down?

Expert Lheeman

Best Ways on How to Fight Boredom Blog

Best Ways on How to Fight Boredom Blog
Best Ways on How to Fight Boredom Blog

Blogging is composed of a variety of activities, ranging from writing, increase visitors, to interact with visitors. In the long term, these activities lead to boredom. Do you feel it? If yes, you can try one or more of the following ways to fight boredom blogging.

1. Break minimum of one day per week

Boredom is usually triggered by a routine. To fight it, you have to take time off of at least one day a week, such as Saturday or Sunday.

When the holidays, forget all things related to your blog. Also disconnect the internet connection on your mobile phone so the emails do not interfere with your vacation. Your goal is to recharge battery mental and body so that you can blog again with good stamina for the next week.

For this purpose, you can:
*. Visit tourist attractions that exist inside or outside of your city

*. Watch the latest movies in theaters

*. The roads to the shopping center (mall)

2. Join a local blogger community

Join the community blogger or marketer in the city you can also fight boredom blogging. Such communities generally have a specific activity, such as walk together, gathered together weekly, monthly or hold a social event.

Another benefit is that you can exchange thoughts or experiences with friends in the community. From the exchange of ideas or thoughts, it is not likely you get new ideas or conduct joint projects.

What if your local blogger community yet? There is no other way, you have to gradually build it. The first step may be to teach your friends who do not know blogging.

3. Read books related to the topic of the blog

Read books related to the topic of your blog is an effective way of overcoming boredom blogging. You can do an hour before bedtime, after lunch, or a few hours in your day (if you are reluctant to get out of the house).

By reading the book, you will gain knowledge so you can apply them in your blog.
Remember, learning does not have to stop after leaving school or college.

4. Perform regular exercise

Another way to overcome boredom is with regular exercise, such as walking in the morning every day, follow a fitness program three times a week, play badminton twice a week, or play football on weekends. By exercising, your body will be fit for the calories burned.

Sports related, I'm getting used to walking in the morning for 30 minutes each day (around 5 am). In addition to not incur a cost, brisk walking is also easy to do and the inhaled air is still fresh.

5. Experiment

Other steps to overcome the saturation of blogging is by experimenting new things. This activity will make you excited for your curiosity to the results to be obtained.

Forms of experiments that can vary, for example:
*. Using social media if you have been relying on visitors from search engines

*. Change the look of your blog, for example, change the color and font size, change the layout and size of the ad, and menggati theme or template with responsive

*. Conducting case studies, such as blogs membuatprivate network to optimize your blog, create a new blog with a topic you know nothing about, or advertise to increase your income.

6. Create a challenge for yourself

Create challenges for themselves can also be used to overcome the boredom of blogging. These challenges are generally carried out for 30 days (30-day challenge) to change bad habits into good habits-habits.

For example, one of your bad habit is to check income or blog ranked many times in a day.
To eliminate unproductive habits, create a challenge for the next 30 days by simply checking the rankings of income or once a week, such as Sunday afternoons only.

By doing these activities, you have free time that can be used for positive purposes, such as posting or researching ideas for writing topics that will be created.

Expert Lheeman

What are Your Blog Problems ?

What are Your Blog Problems ?
What are Your Blog Problems ?

For nearly a month I publish postings weight ranging from tips on writing until productivity. Not only drain my time and thought to make it, but these postings may be time-consuming and mind to read it. To break from this condition, I made a light post on the three issues of your blog.
The issues you are free, for example:
*. Income from blog

*. visitor

*. Write

*. Social media

*. SEO

*. productivity blogging

*. WordPress

*. Product manufacturing information

I will make your problems as the idea of my writing. This can be the next post or ebook (if necessary more detailed and complete explanation is coming on the next post).

Had I not have a solution, I'll find an expert (blogger or internet marketer in Indonesia) to provide solutions to your problems. The shape or guest posts interview the expert.

So, do not be shy to write three blogging problem you're facing in the comments section below.

Expert Lheeman

Pomodoro Technique, Simple Ways on How to Maximize Your Time

Pomodoro Technique, Simple Ways on How to Maximize Your Time
Pomodoro Technique, Simple Ways on How to Maximize Your Time

Whatever your profession, management or time management is something that must be done to improve your productivity. There are a number of techniques to manage time, but the most widely used is the Pomodoro Technique.
What are the benefits and how to do this technique?

What is the Pomodoro Technique?

Pomodoro Technique was created by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s pomodoro word itself comes from the Italian language, which means tomatoes. So named because Cirillo using tomato-shaped timer when managing your time.

The concept of Pomodoro technique is a task in blocks of 25 minutes. In between each block of time, there is a 5-minute break.
Upon completion of the four blocks of time, a break can be longer.

What benefit?

If you decide to use the Pomodoro technique in any task, you will:
*. Focus on the task at hand

*. Eliminate the habit of multi-tasking

*. Get more things because there is a sense of urgency

*. Avoid the mindset perfection

*. Increase the power struggle (willpower) and concentration

*. Lower stress levels because only do one thing for a certain duration

How to Make the Pomodoro Technique

You already know the meaning and benefits of Pomodoro technique.
Furthermore, how do I do? Here are five stages for Pomodoro technique.

Step 1: Select your job and specify a total time to perform the task. For example, you will write a post with a length of 2,000 words for two hours.

Stage 2: Block time for 25 minutes. This can be done by setting the alarm on your cell phone or an hour to 25 minutes ahead. For example, if you work at 09:00, set the alarm to 9:25.

Stage 3: Work within the span of 25 minutes. Avoid all distractions that arise, for example, open Facebook, check Twitter, read email, reply to short messages and answer phone calls that are not important.

Step 4: Once the alarm goes off, rest for 5 minutes. You can fill it with coffee, go to the toilet, or call your friends. In essence, rose from their seats for 5 minutes so that your body does not accomplish.

Step 5: After a pause, block 25 minutes again to continue writing. After 4 times the block, rest for 20-30 minutes.

By knowing the benefits and the steps above, you can apply the Pomodoro technique in any type of task. Thus, you can maximize your time for meaningful activities (not a waste of time).

Are you interested in applying the Pomodoro technique?

Note: Personally, I have been using this technique since the beginning of February 2017. As a result, I became more productive in writing.

Expert Lheeman

Systems to be Following if You Wants To Be a Productive Blogger

Systems to be Following if You Wants To Be a Productive Blogger
Systems to be Following if You Wants To Be a Productive Blogger

If you are admitted to a blogger, you have to write.
Therefore, your productivity is measured by the number of words written. The more words are written, the more productive you (eg bog consistently updated and or a complete ebook). For that purpose, there is a system that you must follow.

I call this system a productive blogger system (SBP).
Consists of four phases (see figure below), this system will be effective if you do so before other activities such as playing Facebook or read other people's blogs.

1. Finding the idea of writing (10 minutes)

The first stage is to find writing ideas. These ideas can be found from his own experience, post someone else, Google AdWords Keyword Planner, books, magazines, television, radio, or other people's problems. This activity should not be more than 10 minutes.

2. Writing (60 minutes)

The next step is to write based on ideas found. Your target at this stage is to make the first draft writing. Naturally, this draft consists title, introduction, content, conclusions, and section asks readers to take action (call to action).

Tricks that you smooth writing is:
*. Separate writing of editing

*. Eliminate distractions write (eg, turning off the Internet or your mobile phone)

*. Find a comfortable place to write (for example in warkop or library)

The time needed to write the first draft of this writing relies number of the desired word. For example, it took me 60 minutes to write the first draft of posts 500 words. Meanwhile, it took me 2 hours to write the first draft of the post 1000 words.

3. Edit (90 minutes)

After the first draft is complete, you must edit it. This activity can be done immediately or after a certain period of time (eg one or two days later).
Whenever you do, editing consists of fixing a typo, streamline sentence, coherensity between paragraphs, standardize said, tilting foreign words, insert the keyword, and strengthens the argument.

Because using the left brain (logic), editing generally takes longer than writing. Personally, it took me 90 minutes to edit the first draft writing 500 words.

4. Publish (20 minutes)

After going through the editing, writing the first draft of the final turn into ready to publish on your blog. Before you hit the publish button, there are three things that must be done. First, format the text for the better. It can be used H3 on the points discussed and add read more in order not long in the front page of the blog. Second, create a link (link) to the writing yourself or others. Both of these activities took about 5 minutes.

Third, insert a more attractive image to paper (optional because it depends on the tastes blogger). The selected image should not infringe on the copyrights of others. For this purpose, you can search for images on Flickr and the like sites.
Interesting image search on the site took about 15 minutes.

After completing both of the above, you can press the publish button. Re-read the published article (commonly called posts), who knew there was a typo. If it still exists, edit the post as soon as possible.

By following these four stages SBP above, you can become a prolific blogger. Of course, you need a commitment to implement them in order to be consistent.
When you are consistent, be a prolific blogger is not as difficult as imagined.

State where its hard for you?

Expert Lheeman